The basic action is to take care of an attractive home page and product subpages, because this is where the customer usually ends up ooking for a given product. First of all, it is worth focusing on the eye catching graphic design of the store, which will arouse interest, and in a clear and transparent way will convey information important to the customer. E merchandising techniques include displaying goods with the highest margin or best rated, bestsellers section, cross selling, imited time promotion or sale, customers opinion , imiting free shipping when buying a certain amount.
Emerchandising optimization of the product card Merchandising in a stationary store consists in presenting the assortment and allows the customer to touch the product. E merchandising is a powerful product card optimization tool. It helps ensure that the right products are displayed in the right places on your whatsapp mobile number list online store, allowing customers to easily find what they are ooking for. This will make it easier for you to increase sales and increase customer satisfaction. E merchandising also helps with promotional activities such as special offers or discounts that can be used to attract more buyers and generate more revenue. It also allows you to experiment with different ayouts and designs on product pages e g. displaying related products.
Thus helping you create an online presence that stands out from the competition. With effective e merchandising strategies, companies can ensure that their product sheets are optimized for success. The product card is a place in the store where information about the product is posted. This is where the customer decides to add a product to the cart, so the card must present the product very well. The product display should contain not only a description, but also photos, videos, customer reviews and comments.